Adding another multiplex to an existing delivery system with minimal or no disruption and compressed schedules and budgets is no trivial task. Difficult to anticipate all the unknowns, learn from past deployments, make adjustments and improvements, and have it all line up perfectly with corporate expense and revenue predictions.
Deploying Qligent Vision before starting any system additions will not impact any on-air service. First, a baseline of current performance, bitrates, configurations, etc. can be established. Next is identifying the sensitive points so not to disrupt the current broadcast. Then when adding equipment and launching services they can all be monitored, correlated, and base-lined for optimal performance. If issues arise, as they will inevitably will, Vision’s capture, trend and root-cause analysis capabilities will quickly get to the core problem so corrective actions can be made and measures can be set to prevent future occurrences.
Qligent Vision and Point uses COTS HW for Low cost deployments which is proven to be the best approach to have the monitoring system scale incrementally with the system being monitored. COTS hardware comes with many benefits such as; local procurement and spares, no shipping and import duties, and the performance, redundancy, and load balancing are all customizable. All this equates to expedited schedules with a system you can trust.